Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Have mercy

I have re-read my posts. My fingers often do not keep up with my brain- I get in a hurry and you will find mis-spellings!! LOL, I am an artist...not much of a typist or speller!! Please bear with me as in my excitment I stumble a bit. The footprint art ,I have chosen to name "Dixie Toes." I live in the south and came up with the name as south folks are from Dixie!! These pieces can be special ordered. Contact me for more information thru my email!!

Things that sell

People like to buy things that involve the children or pets. I love creating something useful that hold meaning or memories. Footprint art is a great example. I paint a child foot- press it to a cnavas board and create a character. This type of keepsake is one of those timeless treasures. A child's foot changes as quickly as the child. Mom's absolutley love these for themselves and as gift's for grandmothers and other family members.

So many ideas...so much time!

My mind takes me into many avenues of style and creation. I try to stay focused on just one...what a joyful conundrum!

Follow the dream

In the worst time (I can remember) in our contrys economical history I have decidied to make my "dream" come true. I have been inspired by others of my generation- Baby Boomers" of late, who have done the same. For years I have done all the things "expected" of me to take care of family. The family raised- I find myself with the time and willpower to accomplish my art. I have been gifted with the ability to paint...it is my passion. Let's hear a cheer for those who have the courage to make their dream come true!